[FREE WHITE PAPER] Practical Guide: Conducting Systematic Literature Reviews in Support of IVDR Readiness


This white paper is a companion piece to our popular webinar where we break down the steps of the systematic literature review (SLR) process and take a wholistic approach to conducting an In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR)-compliant SLR.

Leveraging published data can help meet global regulatory expectations, fill knowledge gaps, and inform internal decision-making. This applies to IVDR and Medical Device Regulation 2017/745 (MDR) requirements, but for the sake of providing an example, we focus on IVDR here. A methodologically-sound SLR can leverage published data for critical IVDR-required reports (e.g., the Scientific Validity Report, clinical performance). Remember, an SLR is far more than an internet search. It is a clear and robust plan for the identification, retrieval, selection, appraisal, and weighting of published data. SLR has long been the “gold standard” process for evidence-based research, especially in the academic and professional arenas. In today’s regulatory landscape where rigorous methodological SLR principles are now being mandated, adopting a transparent and reproducible process for literature reviews is essential. Every methodologically-sound SLR has 5 clearly defined steps…

Download the rest of this white paper here.

Criterion Edge has the expertise and resources to do literature reviews for many types of documents. Ready for a free consult?