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Ask the Writers

Virtual Q&A

Ask the Writers: A Comparison of Critical Elements of the Scientific Validity Report vs. the CER State-of-the-Art and Best Practice Writing Strategies In this highly interactive question-and-answer session, Criterion Edge experts Laurie Mitchell, President, and Dr. Sarah Chavez, Director of IVD and Scientific Writing Services, will outline the must-have elements for two very similar regulatory […]


How to Establish the Competitive Landscape Within the Scientific Validity Report


In this practical presentation, Dr. Sarah Chavez, will present a detailed outline of the IVDR State of the Art search within the Performance Evaluation Report (PER). Additionally, she will distinguish between the purpose and scope of the state-of-the-art and the Competitor search. For example, the SLR approach, data screening, and data presentation will be addressed. […]


How to Establish the State-of-the-Art Within the Scientific Validity Report


How to Establish the State-of-the-Art Within the Scientific Validity Report In this presentation, Criterion Edge’s Principal Medical Writer, Dr. Sarah Chavez, will present focused strategies on building an IVDR-aligned State-of-the-Art (SOA) section within the Scientific Validity Report (SVR). She will also talk about the critical role of the SVR as it relates to the overall performance evaluation […]