April 2, 2019

9 Simple and Essential Microsoft Word Tools For Successful CER Writing

Author: Katherine Lalicker, Editor: Ashley Self

Managing your figures, tables, references, and so much more on a lengthy, complex regulatory document can seem impossible. Even seasoned medical writers struggle when trying to make changes or add content without breaking a document. Chances are, the tools you need already exist. Read on to find out how some of the simplest Microsoft Word tools can allow for smooth changes to maintain an organized, uniform document.  

Copy and Paste

CER documents need to be clear and uniform, which can make it difficult to pull content from one document to another without disturbing the style of the document. There are multiple paste options that allow you to either match the formatting of your document or paste text without any formatting. All options can be found under the Home tab on the toolbar in the copy and paste section. Two important functions for CER writing are Match Formatting and Keep Text Only

  • Match Formatting: Text is formatted to document content. 
  • Keep Text Only: All text formatting, including hyperlinks, are removed. This is useful when you want to remove all hyperlinks simultaneously. 
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